Module riot_wrappers::saul

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Available on riot_module_saul only.
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Registration and use of SAUL, the Sensor Actuator Uber Layer

This modules falls largely into two parts:

  • For creating and registering SAUL devices, see the registration submodule.

  • RegistryEntry with its various constructors finds sensors or actuators in SAUL, and allows interacting with them.

In mapping SAUL semantics to Rust, some parts are not aligned in full:

  • The Phydat type used here always has a length – as opposed to phydat_t which contains up to PHYDAT_DIM values, and transports the number of used items on the side – but not always.

    This affects sensor data writing, and is documented with the respective calls.



  • A wrapper around phydat_t that keeps the values and the number of valid values in one place.
  • A discovered SAUL registry entry


  • Classes of actuators; typically used as details on a Class
  • Device class
  • Classes of sensors; typically used as details on a Class
  • Unit of measurement required to interpret numeric values in a Phydat exchanged with a SAUL device

Type Aliases§