pub type nanocbor_encoder_append = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(enc: *mut nanocbor_encoder_t, ctx: *mut c_void, data: *const u8, len: size_t)>;
Expand description

@brief Append function for streaming encoder data

This is a user supplied function for the polymorphic encoder interface. It will only be called if a previous call to @ref nanocbor_encoder_fits returned true.

@param enc The encoder context struct @param ctx The context ptr supplied in the @ref nanocbor_encoder_stream_init call @param data Data emitted by the encoder @param len Length of the data in bytes

Aliased Type§

enum nanocbor_encoder_append {
    Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut nanocbor_encoder, _: *mut c_void, _: *const u8, _: u32)),




No value.


Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut nanocbor_encoder, _: *mut c_void, _: *const u8, _: u32))

Some value of type T.