Function riot_coap_handler_demos::ps::ps

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pub fn ps() -> impl Handler
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Build a handler that will report a summary of the current processes in CBOR form

The precise format is subject to change, but currently produces an array of process records each with the process ID, its state in text form, and the name (or null), followed by stack size and stack free size (trailing unknown / inapplicable elements left out):

[[1, 'Pending', 'idle', 8192, 7592],
 [2, 'Sleeping', 'main', 12288, 11044],
 [3, 'ReceiveBlocked', 'ipv6', 8192, 6352],
 [4, 'ReceiveBlocked', 'udp', 8192, 6928],
 [5, 'Running', 'coap', 8276, 6604],
 [6, 'ReceiveBlocked', 'gnrc_netdev_tap', 8192, 5716]]